Gecko Magic

Gecko Magic

Gecko Magic

I love geckos. I was never really around many until I lived in Hawaii. My love for geckos inspired this painting of the little guys. I wanted to create something that was fun, colorful, and had personality.

I used mask to create designs around the gecko drawings and to also create patterns in the background. After the mask dried I wet the paper and put in an abstract wet in wet wash of greens and blues. Once the painting dried and I removed the mask, I added another glaze of blue over the background to make the geckos stand out from the background a bit. I did not want the contrast to be really obvious because these guys are known for their ability to hide in the greenery.

This is not the finished product. I will include pen and ink in the art work as well. That means I get to put in some of my fun doodles. I will post a photo of the finished product when I get done.

By the way, I think these geckos are called Hawaiian Green Geckos.

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